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60 Perch Land in Kalpitiya Tourism (Sale or Rent)

#️⃣ – 0007 ||
📌 – Sethawadiya, Kalpitiya (Tourism Zone).

Location –

60 Perches land available for sale in heart of Kalpitiya’s tourism zone called “Sethawadiya”. The land is situated in a road which connects Kalpitiya and Kudawa beach (2 Kms to the beach & kite surfing lagoon). World popular kite surfing lagoon is in few minutes walking distance.

There are lots of resorts, kite schools and restaurants are functioning near by the land. A big resort (170 rooms) project is under construction very near to this land. This land is suitable to start up a small resort or any other tourism related businesses.

– The land has clear deed and more than 30 years title (eligible for bank loans)
– The land has UC approved surveyor plan
– Electricity and water line available
– Fully fenced (Front part is covered by wall)
– Half completed building (1 room with bathroom + 1 kitchen + restaurant)

For Sale – Expecting LKR 20 Million / USD 67,526

For Rent – Expecting LKR 65,000 / USD 203 per Month

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